Rumblestar Book Review


Rumblestar is a book by Abi Elphinstone, part of the Unmapped Chronicles series. The story revolves around a young 11-year-old boy named Casper Tock, who doesn’t enjoy adventures and has no friends. When Casper steps inside of a grandfather clock, which is secretly a portal to the unmapped kingdom Rumblestar, he finds a girl named Utterly Thankless. He finds himself on a mission to save Rumblestar from the evil harpy Morg and her workers, the Midnights, with Utterly as his companion.

The book mainly revolves around the themes of magic and fantasy, but there are some serious or comedic elements as well. Overall, the book is good, well-written, and has a lot of creativity and imaginative aspects in it. It has a very interesting plot, and important lessons to learn. I would recommend it to people ages 9-12, since it has more fantastical, less serious themes. It was enjoyable, and an appealing book for younger readers.