Missing May


Missing May

This book is about a girl called Summer. She lost both of her parents when she was a young child. She was passed from one relative to the next. She eventually finds a family member who wants her. She went to live with her Uncle Ob and Aunt May. Her new home was a rusted old trailer stuck on the side of a mountain in Deep Water, Fayette County, West Virginia. May, however, died after a few years. You can’t imagine how much pain Ob and Summer felt because of this tragic loss. They get to know one of Summer’s classmates, a boy named Cletus, who comes over with a briefcase full of pictures and tries to cheer them up. The three of them take a trip to Putnam County hoping to communicate with May’s spirits, with the help of a Spiritualist Minister. Summer’s goal was to talk with May’s spirit and help Uncle Ob in regaining happiness and normalcy in his life. Summer, Uncle Ob, and Cletus return home with hearts full of joy, hope, and love.

This book made me feel very emotional. It showed how someone might cope with the loss of a family member or a close friend. It made me happy, but it also made me sad because I could feel Summer and Ob’s grief over May’s death throughout the book. My favorite part was when Cletus came into the room with his briefcase full of pictures. He was a funny character with his own story, which made me laugh. I was moved by how much they loved and missed May as I read this book. When my grandfather, uncle, and grandmother all died in the same year, I felt like Summer. I still miss them just like Summer and Ob still miss May.

I would recommend this story about Missing May to anyone over the age of ten. This story is both touching and funny at times. I believe that anyone who has recently lost a family member should read this book. It could help them cope with their loss and find some comfort. May’s spirit brings Summer and Ob a lot of happiness. If you read this book, you will understand why.

Originally written by Gaby L
Book by Cynthia Rylant