Green Comet to be Visible in Qatar after 50,000 Years


Green Comet Visible in Qatar After 50,000 Years

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), also known as the green comet, was discovered in March 2022 by astronomers using the Zwicky Transient Facility.

The comet has a greenish hue and will appear in the skies above Earth once it completes its orbit around the Sun and travels to the outer reaches of the solar system.

According to NASA, the green comet will be closest to Earth on 1 February 2023 for the first time in approximately 50,000 years.

According to Ajith Everester, a Qatar-based astrophotographer, the comet will be best seen in Qatar at Al Kharrara, Al Wakrah.

“I have been tracking the comet the last few days and was able to see it through binoculars,” Ajith Everester tells (ILQ).

He and his team have organized a free event for this occasion, with no registration required.

Location: Al Kharrara, Al Wakrah
Date: February 1, 2023
Timing: Interested participants are encouraged to arrive after 7 pm, the event will last until 1 am
Contact: Ajith Everester, +974 5548 2045