Fun Animal Brain Facts

  • Did you know that leeches have 32 brains? Leeches are small so their brains must be the size of a small, small dot!

  • Besides being the pranksters they are, an ostrich’s brain is smaller than its eyeball. Ostriches are still smart no matter how small their brains are!

  • Did you know that a spider’s brain is so big that it will spill into its legs? How do they have a brain after that? Spiders are incredibly smart even though the brain is a soggy puddle!

  • Your brain works all the way through the night while you sleep, but half of a killer whale’s brain will shut down while it sleeps. It has to reopen whenever the killer whale is awake. Sweet dreams, killer whales! Only half of your brain can make one!

  • Anytime you plan to kill a cockroach by chopping off its head, think again. A cockroach can survive WITHOUT a head and brain for a week. So, still a bad idea to chop of the cockroach’s head.