5 Funniest Animal Stories


Funniest Animal Stories of 2022 – 5 Funny Animals

  1. Parrots are put in timeout for cursing

Billy, Eric, Tyson, Jade, and Elsie, five African grey parrots, were recently separated from one another at the Lincolnshire Wildlife Center in the UK because they were “encouraging each other to swear” at the visitors. The zoo’s chief executive, Steve Nichols, told the AP, “We are very familiar to parrots swearing, but we’ve never had five at the same time, and for some reason these five like it.” The potty-mouthed parrots were the main source of amusement for the crowd. “When a parrot swears at you, it greatly amuses people and has made for a very happy year,” he said. However, the zoo thought it would be best to separate the birds into their own enclosures until they can behave for the sake of their visitors.

2. Spy pigeon captured, then set free

Police in India captured a Pakistani pigeon on the suspicion that it was a spy. The bird flew over the border and was taken in due to a suspicious ring around its ankle printed with numbers. The numbers were actually just the pigeon owner’s phone number. The pigeon was released after an investigation determined that it did not pose a threat to the security of the country. Police told Reuters, “It was just an innocent bird.”

3. Toad steals shoe as its home

Last year, Jabba the toad made Sita Hood’s old running shoe her home, living comfortably during the day and catching flies at night (see picture above). At first, Hood believed it was an accident and thought the toad would move on within a day or two. Jabba stayed for the whole of the summer before moving on to hibernate somewhere else. Although the story was quite funny, Hood was in for a shock when Jabba reappeared the next spring and jumped into her old shoe. Hood claims that it is now Jabba’s house rather than her shoe. To stop others from accidentally dumping Jabba out, she even created a sign for her. “Donating my shoe was no big deal,” Hood told the Dodo. “If it afforded her comfort or protection, why not?

4. Octopus shakes rescuer’s hand

When an Egyptian couple noticed an octopus stranded on a beach, they decided to move it back to deeper water. They returned the next day to check on it because it appeared to be close to dying, and they were worried about their new friend. However, they were relieved to find that it was alive and well. The octopus followed them around the beach for the next hour, sometimes reaching a tentacle to “shake hands”. Perhaps it had been looking for them as well. It gave a proper thank you to its rescuers before returning to the water.

5. Monkey steals a phone and takes pictures

A 20-year-old Malaysian man named Zackrydz Rodzi plugged in his phone before going to bed, only to discover it missing the next morning. He had no idea who might have taken it, and there were no signs of a burglary or break-in. After his father mentioned that he had seen a monkey hanging around nearby, Rodzi searched the forest behind his house and found the phone buried in some mud. Rodzi looked through the picture library after his uncle made a joke about the monkey possibly just wanting to take some selfies. “I was shocked. The monkey’s face was plastered on the screen. It was hilarious,” he told the AP.